
chapter two

i feel the need to separate the first two years of this blog from this point forward. you can read the previous several posts to get an idea why. to quickly get you up-to-date: last month i decided to return to alaska, and decided to return in style. i purchased a 27' motorhome, filled it with too much stuff, and drove it from the sweltering heat and humidity of the lower midwest to the cool temps of alaska. a couple days after arriving, i left graeme with my former landlord and headed north for a week in denali national park. after the week in denali, i came back to anchorage and have been getting the rv ready for winter every day since. my intention is to spend the fall and winter travelling in the alaska range in the rv chasing the aurora borealis (and anything else that gets in my way) with my camera. bang!- you're caught up. i'll be posting images on my website (see link at right), and a few images and lots of thoughts here.

before i post a few images, i need to take a few sentences to thank a some people:

1) my family: we did an amazing fucking job coming together and caring for mom. you also made it much more bearable for me to spend two years in the midwest. i love and miss you guys;

2) jerry jeffers: the guy i bought my rv from. he's done a lot for our family and was a huge help to me in getting the rv ready to be lived in;

3) melanie (sic?) webb: melanie has been bringing our family a big home-cooked meal every two weeks since mom's aneurysm two years ago;

4) michelle: my girlfriend for the last several months i was in the midwest. one of the sweetest and most generous people i've ever known. i might be crazy for leaving;


5) dan and fulvia lowe: they've kindly allowed me to park the rv in their driveway while i organize and insulate the rv for the next few month. my first couple weeks back in alaska have been so much less stressful than it could have been because they've allowed me to keep the rv on their property.

i have more people to thank, but will spread it out among the next few posts.

there's still some work to do on the rv and some people to see in anchorage before i head north. i anticipate i'll be heading back to the denali area on 10/8. as promised, here's some pics from the drive up. i'll recap the week in denali on the next post.

stay tuned...

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